“Nagar Nandji Na Lal” is a deeply touching Gujarati folk song that celebrates our beloved Krishna. Nagar Nandji Na Lal lyrics are written by the revered Bhaktkavi Shri Narsinh Mehta, this timeless Garba song is filled with love and devotion. Over the years, it has been sung by many artists across different eras, each bringing their unique tone to the melody. However, it gained widespread popularity throughout India through the soulful rendition by Aditya Gadhvi.

Nagar Nandji Na Lal Lyrics in Hindi

नागर नंदजी ना लाल नागर नंदजी ना लाल

रास रमंता म्हारी नथनी खोवाई

कान्हा जड़ी होए तो आल, कान्हा जड़ी होए तो आल

रस रमंता म्हारी नथनी खोवाई ||

वृन्दावन नी कुञ्ज गलीं मां बोले झिना मोर

राधाजी नी नथनी नो शामलियो छे चोर ||

नागर नंदजी ना लाल नागर नंदजी ना लाल

रास रमंता म्हारी नथनी खोवाई ||

Nagar Nandji Na Lal Lyrics in English

Nagar Nandji Na Laal, Nagar Nandji Na Laal
Raas Ramta Mhaari Nathni Khowaayi

Kanha Jadi Hoe To Aal, Kanha Jadi Hoe To Aal
Ras Ramta Mhaari Nathni Khowaayi ||

Vrindavan Ni Kunj Gali Ma Bole Jhina Mor
Radhaji Ni Nathni No Shamalio Che Chor ||

Nagar Nandji Na Laal, Nagar Nandji Na Laal
Raas Ramta Mhaari Nathni Khowaayi ||

Nagar Nandji Na Lal Lyrics with Meaning

Nagar Nandji Na Laal, Nagar Nandji Na Laal

  • The son of Nand, the son of Nand who dance on kaaliya naag.

Raas Ramta Mhaari Nathni Khowaayi

  • While playing the Raas (a traditional dance), lost my nose ring.

Kanha Jadi Hoe To Aal, Kanha Jadi Hoe To Aal

  • If Krishna is here, if Krishna is here,

Ras Ramta Mhaari Nathni Khowaayi

  • While playing the Raas, lost my nose ring.

Vrindavan Ni Kunj Gali Ma Bole Jhina Mor

  • In the narrow lanes of Vrindavan, the peacock softly calls.

Radhaji Ni Nathni No Shamalio Che Chor

  • The dark one (Krishna) is the thief who stole Radha’s nose ring.

Nagar Nandji Na Laal, Nagar Nandji Na Laal

  • The son of Nand, the son of Nand who dance on kaaliya naag.

Raas Ramta Mhaari Nathni Khowaayi

  • While playing the Raas, lost my nose ring.